For the XVIII March to Brasília in Defense of Municipalities in 2015, all Brazilian federal representatives and senators were invited for a panel discussion, with the presidents of both chambers attending. A large format projection panel showed, in real-time, a count of the representatives and senators present at the event. The names of all representatives and senators was displayed on the panel and as the authorities scanned their personal identification badge’s to gain access to the main auditorium, their presence was reflected on the panel by changing the color of the representative or senator’s name.


Para a XVIII Marcha à Brasília em Defesa dos Municípios todos os deputados e senadores foram convidados para um painel, com o presidente da Câmara e do Senado presentes. Uma projeção de grande formato mostrava, em tempo real, a contagem de deputados e senadores presentes no evento. O nome de todos os membros do Congresso eram mostrado no painel e, conforme as autoridades escaneavam seus crachás na entrada do auditório, sua presença era refletida no painel trocando a cor do seu nome.